Bulletstorm: Duke of Switch Edition, il titolo è in arrivo in estate su Nintendo Switch

Durante lo svolgersi del PAX East 2019, Gearbox ha ufficialmente annunciato l’arrivo di Bulletstorm: Duke of Switch Edition.

Lo shooter game di People Can Fly del 2011, approderà sui Nintendo Switch europei e americani nel corso dell’estate, compreso di tutti i DLC rilasciati.

Potete trovare informazioni in merito al titolo di seguito.

Step into the boots of Grayson Hunt after a crash landing on an abandoned resort planet forces him to make a hard choice: survival or revenge. An exiled member of the elite assassin group Dead Echo, Grayson’s blind desire for vengeance finds his crew stranded on Stygia where he can finally confront the commander behind his betrayal—or get his team off the planet alive.

Battle your way through throngs of Stygia’s mutated inhabitants, performing masterful kills throughout the single-player campaign—or one of 30 competitive score-challenge or 12 co-operative multiplayer maps—using Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition’s unique “Skillshot” system that rewards you for executing the most creative and deadly kills imaginable.

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